Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April 2, 2019 Class

Well, presentations are OVER (finally, Lord), and I was excited... But then I checked out Mr. Schick's blog and he stated we had to take notes on pages 134 through 149 instead of straight up learning from a PowerPoint/ presentation that was made by Mr. Schick (which is what I definitely prefer).

Moreover, we will take the test on the three sections--which will cover pages 134 through 149--on April twelfth. And I really hope I could say that it is an April Fool's joke, but today is April the second. So it cannot be :(

I feel like the fourth quarter is going to walk all over me and enjoy killing me slowly. But, leaving me alive enough to recover during the Summer to come back next year. I feel it. In fact, I know it. I may even be unable to get First Honors this quarter.

I have a question for you, the reader of this blog: When would the dress down day for the fourth quarter be if the quarter ends by the end of the school year? Would the school not have a dress down day or would only count the GPA from the Mid-Quarter-Reports? Or perhaps something completely different?
Please, at least one person leave a comment or it will haunt me for the rest of my life (no kidding).

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