Monday, May 6, 2019

Classwork WMSIO #5

Since I had already done WMSIO #6 during WMSIO #5 should have been done, I am going to do that one now.

Read pages 168 - 172
Answer page 172 #1, 3, 4, 5
Do Worksheet 3

1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.
Jesus: Jew born around 6 to 4 BC in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. Most of his recorded life comes from the first four books of the New Testament in the Bible: the Gospels. He was said to have been the Son of God and savior of the human race to save all from sin.
Apostle: One of twelve of Jesus' main disciples or pupils.
Paul: The apostle Paul who greatly influenced Christianity.
Diaspora: The dispersal of the Jews.
Constantine: Roman emperor who credited his success gaining the throne to the help of a Christian God, ending the persecution of Jews.
Bishop: Supervisor of several churches.
Peter: Became the first bishop in Rome after traveling from Jerusalem. Jesus referred to Peter as the "rock" on which the Christian Church would be built.
Pope: The father or head of the Christian Church.

3. What did Jesus emphasize in his early teachings? He emphasized God's personal relationship to each human beings; stressed the importance of people's love for God, their neighbors, their enemies, and themselves; and taught that God would end wickedness and would establish an eternal kingdom after death for people who sincerely repented their sins.

4. Why did the early Christians face persecution from the Romans? Early Christians faced persecution from Romans because they refused to worship Roman gods.

5. What was the importance of the Nicene Creed? It defined the basic beliefs of the Church, solving disputes among Christians.

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