Wednesday, February 27, 2019

C-Notes #1.5

I'll write down the other part of the notes I had taken back from the book. There were too many words in the other blog so I decided to save the notes for when I did not have anything to write (such as today).

Sirius was a star that appeared above the eastern horizon before floods. Egyptians calculated the number of days between the first rising of the Sirius star and the next and came up with 365 days (very close to a solar year). The year was divided into twelve months with 30 days each with five days added for holidays and feasting. This year with 365 days was so accurate that it fell short of the solar year by only six hours.
Egyptians invented math numbers for counting, adding, and subtracting.
  • To assess and collect taxes, for property boundaries, and for engineering and architecture.
  • They also had advanced medicine.
    • Were able to find heart rate, heal broken bones effectively with splints, treat wounds and fevers, and performed some kinds of surgery.
Middle Kingdom (2,040-1,640 BC)
Hyksos ("the rulers of foreign lands") ruled Egypt from 1,630-1,523 BC.

Games were popular in all hierarchy classes.

Egyptians (both men and women) used cosmetics to enhance beauty.
  • Applied kohl to their eyes, which in turn softened the sun's glare. 
    • Also soaked flowers and fragrant woods in oil to protect skin from dry air.
The names of about 150 physicians are remembered, of which 2 were women.

There was a species of royal dogs in Egypt called Pharaoh hound.

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