Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019 Class

Today's class was a project preparation day. Honestly, it sucked. Nobody has done anything. Everything was left to the last minute. And, I believe I speak in behalf of all of the groups in all of the sections (or at least the honors section). The pillars of my group were absent today and I feel we're going to do very poorly, or at least I will. I am definitely NOT excited about this. I think the due date for the project should be moved towards either Friday or Monday of next week. We did not have enough time to prepare.  In less than fifteen minutes into the class, all the groups were done discussing their plans, that is because they have none.
At least the test on Ancient Greece was not as much of a failure as the Ancient Greece project will be. I got one question wrong. Which wasn't great... but I will be OK. At least I get one 'ding'.

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